Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Time is Money, Money is Time, I'm broke.

No, not really. Not yet. But it's sure looking like it'll be that way.

I've hit that stage in life (is it a stage? Someone tell me it's a stage) where you feel old when you're young and you feel like you could do anything even though you have no resources.
Yeah, it's a stage. Remember that meme?

When you're young you have all the energy and time but no money.

When you're an adult you have all the energy and money but no time.

When you're old you have all the time and money but no energy.

Paradox of life. I'm still in that stage where I'm practically like every market dealer in Skyrim:

If you don't know what Skyrim is, I salute and pity you.

That's basically me in a thrift store, mates.
Strictly speaking, though, I'm a rich man. There are starving children in Africa, and I debate as to whether or not I should have pizza or salad for dinner.
(Both. Always both.)

Not strictly speaking - or some other transitional phrase like that - I'm just about to depart overseas for a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. You know where that is, right? I mean, you know this guy, right?


Apologies. Only about four people in the world might get that joke.
One of which is Asian.

How is that funny?
Because Asians, dimwit.
Isn't that racist?
Racist, shmacist.
I think you should stop now.
Shut up! I can stop whenever I want to!
Put down the beer.

So it's for, say, two weeks. I appreciate any supplications and support you're willing to offer - all four of you. And I need to focus. This beer really isn't helping.

Fercersh. Focursh. Fercus. Frocrus. Blasht it!

Jusht kidding. I dern't drunk.
Well, not in the US anyway. There was that one time last time I went to the Dominican Republic...eh heh heh...

Stay thirsty, my friends...

Monday, June 8, 2015

On College - Listen to Sensei

Sit down, kiddos, I'm going to tell you a story.

No, not that story.

Once upon a time there was a college student. He had done pretty decently in high school, gotten a nice-looking GPA, graduated with high honors blah blah. But now he was in a whole new world. And the government looked at this little student, laughed, and gave him a maze of things to do called 'regulations'.

"You got through Calculus, you can get through this."

The little student was bungling his way through, slamming into walls and confusedly looking around, wondering where to go. He tried calling to the government for help, but they just laughed and gave him some elevator music to listen to.

Finally, he broke through. He'd done it. He'd finally registered for classes. He'd transferred his transcript, filled out the FAFSA, done the sexual assualt courses and yada yada. He went to college and was delighted to start learning new things, preparing for the world, and...

Oh, wait, no. He basically had to sit through two more years of nothing but a repeat of high school, paying through his nose for stuff he didn't want or need and being squeezed dry by living expenses. 

I was looking for photos on how college is a lie, but this'll work too.

So now I hope you're all excited for high school graduation! That 4.0 GPA will look really nice when you're eating ramen in a foreign country, like Idaho or someplace similar.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Avengers: Hey, Ultron's 40

Yeah, I'm not kidding. Someone apparently put a picture of Ultron into a website that determines age based on photos, and his age came up to about 40 years old. Figures, I guess?

He's actually pretty guapo for a 40 year old.

Avengers: Age of Ultron was a fun watch. I don't think I'll even go into describing the plot, because it's mother sealin' long. And my left hand hurts. And it would be a drag.

Was it worth going to the theater twice? Yeah, I'd say so. They sure loaded this sequel with a lot of humor, which I'm cool with. Save for how they made fun of cussing. Were they making fun of it? They were, right? Someone tell me it doesn't seem clear cut what their intentions were in that for you, as well.

They probably could have condensed it a bit, but hey, more bang for your buck...? The length really wasn't a problem for me, and I don't think it would be for anybody. I think. More film, more fun, hey? Bite me.

Someone tell me what's up with Romanov and Banner. I could almost swear Joss Whedon was trolling all the Marvel fans out there. Does that happen in the comics? Even if it does, it still doesn't make it any less weird.

"What's supposed to happen next?"
"I don't know. Why are we two inches away from each other? I didn't sign on for this, Whedon!"

I really enjoyed Ultron's personality and how they kind of did a 'Psych!' thing with how he was portrayed so menacingly in the trailers. Hey kids, don't ever trust a movie trailer. They're like TV salesmen: they look and sound cool, but they're just trying to sucker you in for money.
Hey, wait, that's every type of marketing device, ever. Uh, kids, don't trust ads. Or TV. Or people.

"You see, blu-ray is the experience everyone needs, because it enhances the picture so much and...uh...this...isn't supposed to be happening."

I'll probably get it for five bucks in some overseas country and enjoy the 240p quality I deserve.
Stay thirsty, my friends.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Recollections and Reevaluations

You know when you look back over your life and think "Man, I was so stupid when I was fourteen."
Yeah, that.
Well, I was pretty stupid when I was fourteen. Still pretty stupid. Probably will continue to be stupid, hopefully in smaller increments.


But let's not get caught in a rut of focusing on how I'm terrible - after all, when life gives you lemons, squeeze 'em for all they're worth. So let's see what's going on nowadays.

-I'm currently at the ripe old age of seventeen - and - a - half.

-Prepping for my first year of college (though, to be technical - and boast a bit - I've already dual enrolled my first year).

Just replace the $100 bills with $20s. Actually, $10s. No, $5s. You know what, just empty it altogether.

-Riding the wonderful roller coaster of life, on which no barf bags or seals are given.

-I have a couple wiriting projects under way (I'm narrowing my gaze a lot, so I can focus on completing what I've started), one of which is a fan-fiction for a game I used to play. Of which you can find the first chapter here. Don't bite too hard.

-Enjoying my summer, and hating it.

I really can't say how blogging will be in the future for me. I was seriously tempted to delete all of the blogs I have, but then decided that it's a good reminder of the dunce I used to be.
As for future posts, don't hold your breath (not like there are many of you that would kill).

Stay thirsty my friends.