Bad news: I got, like, four episodes in and quit. That was it. Boring, slow-paced, not my style. The main characters were a bunch of kids (/teenagers, I have no idea how old any of them are), for goodness' sake, and that's almost always a terrible idea.
Good news: I eventually went back and decided to slog through the rest of it. And I'll be honest - it was a slog.
Now let's get down to some good and bad things.
What does Avatar: The Last Airbender have going for it?
Well, it's got some great dialogue, characters, and character development. Honestly, you get pretty attached to the characters portrayed, and it's because they're portrayed well. Aang's a loveable, goofy kid who's got a lot to learn. Katara's a bossy, soft-hearted mothering type who's always responsible (when she's not acting immature with Toph). Sokka's an idiotic, stubborn genius(ish) who is the comedic relief. Zuko's that annoying kid you wish Iroh would've smacked about the head a little more often. Toph is pure, unadulterated awesome.

And I could go on. Their conversations are intelligent and interesting, for the most part. And the progression of each person throughout the series is well done.
Not to mention, of course, that the choreography of the fight scenes is satisfying.
Disclaimer: fanart, not actual screenshot.
But it wouldn't be honest to display it as all sunshine and roses. Avatar: The Last Airbender also drags. And I mean draaaaaags. Each season (of which there are three) has about twenty episodes each. And although each episode is only about twenty minutes, that's still...what, more than twelve hundred minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
Also, there are many times where the plot feels forced. A character explodes for some reason or other and instead of calming down like any practical person would, stays pig-headed and nooooo, the plot must go on! (i.e. Katara and Toph's arguments, Aang's numerous runoffs, and Zuko's teenagey broodiness.)
Brood brood brood. Wait, wrong picture.
That being said, much of Avatar's extra content is well kneaded into the plot, and if you've got the patience it helps to flesh out the characters and world more. It could be better woven in, but it's not terrible.
Once you get to the third season, everything starts to speed up. I think practically any Avatar fan would agree that the third season is the best. The pacing is good, the story is great, and things are finally starting to come to a point.
Some things you should be aware of:
Avatar TLA has practically no swearing at all. Hallelujah. It's so clean I almost get a virtual shower just watching it. Plus, there is no immodesty/immorality at all (or at least very, very little). Not even innuendo!
Yeah, okay, there are some couples and they kiss. Bad life choices. What can I say, they're angsty teenagers and they don't know their way around relationships.

I did NOT see this relationship coming and it will always be hilarious.
But other than that, Avatar TLA gets full marks for being clean.
It's pretty funny as well. The first season...not so much, but the second season, especially around when Toph joins the team, is when it gets a lot better. The third season is just great all around.
Also, Toph. Is. Awesome. That is all.

Toph will be waiting.
As awesome as Toph is, though, nothing will ever top the awesomeness that is General Iroh. Seriously.
He's a very powerful firebender, on par with the firelord. Notice how, when offered to fight the firelord, he refused because he didn't want people to see brother fighting brother, not because he couldn't win. Not to mention he was one of the best generals in the fire nation.
Also, he's probably the smartest person in the entire series. No, scratch that: he is the smartest person in the series. He escapes from being captured as well as imprisoned twice, saves his nephew's rear on more than one occasion, knows how to work with people, and in general gives out great advice. So I don't care what you think, he's the best character. Period.

And tea fanatic.
So should you take the time to watch it? Yes, definitely. It's worth it. Could be a lot shorter, but it's worth it nonetheless. You'll enjoy it more after the first season.
It's also way better than Legend of Korra.
Peace out.