Sunday, August 11, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons

Ladies and Gentlewomen, the moment has come. The day is finally here. The ultimate question shall be answered. The purpose of this blog shall be exposed, humanity enlightened, and the world shall forever be in awe at my wisdom. And I'll probably be in Hawaii by next month, so no emails please. Oh, and hand me that cocktail, baby. Yeaaah.

Where were we? Oh yes, reveling in my IQ. As I'm sure you puny humans have noticed, the title of this blog is 'When Life Gives You Lemons'. The post title is also, ironically, 'When Life Gives You Lemons'. And the URL is because whenlifegivesyoulemons was already taken.

Ah, right. So, in the reading of my deep and philisophical label, the question must inevitably surface "When life gives you lemons...what do you do?"

For many centuries the topic of lemons has been debated, fought, and struggled over. General Robert. E. Lee just wanted to know why his last name started with the first two letters that also started 'lemon'. The French stole the sacred Lemon Tree of Heavenly Enlightenment from the Germans, and thus came the first world war. Hitler said his mustached looked like a lemon and Churchill disagreed, so Hitler declared war. The Vietnamese....well, they all look like lemons.

Ha ha, I'm so racist.

So...yes. What do you do when life gives you lemons? Prepare for the reveal of a lifetime, women and gents, for the answer is:

You make lemonade.

And...that's it. You can all go home now. The mystery has been disclosed. Life is complete. This blog has fulfilled its purpose.

...Unless you want to keep reading awesome reviews and rants written by yours truly, new every week (hopefully)! Signing off, gents and ladysmurfs!

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