Friday, October 4, 2013

The Root of All Weevils

Money is time, time is money. Therefore time=money, correct?

Time's kind of precious.

There's also something called 'waste not, want not'.

Guess who isn't doing either?

Yeah, you all are probably sick of how many literary missiles I've fired at our government. Ha ha, here's another one. The debt ceiling.

Look up. You see that star, way way out there? No, not that one, the one that's further than that one. Yeah, that.
Multiply that by a billion.
And again.
Aaand one more time for good measure.

If you took America's debt, transmuted it into pennies, and stacked those pennies one after the other into the sky...
You see where I'm going with this?
Of course you don't, I'm already way too far away. Say hi from the Hapan cluster, will ya?

Let's, hmm, apply some common sense here. If you owe someone money, are you going to keep borrowing from them at a higher rate than you're paying the money back?
"Derrrr, this ers 'Murica dude, that'sh what we do."

If I had to choose between crushing debt or a somewhat average - below average style of living, guess where I'm standing.
Waaaaaaay up there in the stars, because 'Murica! Duuurrrrrrrrrrr.

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