Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well, I'm 16 as of 7:20 a.m. today.


Feels normal.

I was talking to a close friend at church, and he asked "So what's it like being 16?"
Aw, you know how it is. I was expecting to be awakened by a bolt of lightning and find myself walking out the front door in a tux, buff and with keys to a Porsche dangling from my fingers. But instead I woke to messy hair, bleary vision, and yawns galore. (Why did I yawn when I typed 'yawns' Awhmm...there it is again. Shut it, mouth)

Yes, I'm finally 16. At least people will stop staring at me with their mouths hanging open, saying with disbelief "You're fifteen?" I mean, sixteen's a little more believable, right?


The biggest age mistake I've ever had happen to me was in Romania by one of my cousins. Sergiu told her I was fifteen and she stared at me for three full seconds, then was like "What?? I thought you were twenty-one or something!"
Aw, thanks. I wish. But nope, I'm stuck with a bunch of older people in school who can all drive and have jobs, while poor little me has to keep squeaking "Yeah! I got my permit, awww-hah!"


Ahhhh! Someone save me! There's a dark, gloomy, scary thingy chasing after me with 'Responsibility' labeled across its chest! Heeeeeeeeelp!
Is it gone?

Okay, relax. I don't plan on being a complete failure. Promise. On my honor - wait, don't have that. On my holiness - oh, don't have that either.
What do I still have?
Ah got it! On my virginity I pledge to get a job, a degree, and be successful in life.

Stop laughing. Childhood's different than virginity.

Signing off, ladies and gents. I need to go get my license.

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