So guys.
I live in a home where, when something highly anticipated comes out in the theaters, we don't rush to see it. We wait until it comes out on Redbox. Or even until it's in the library. I have literally never been to a midnight viewing of any movie for its debut. Ever. And to be honest, I don't relish the idea.
So. That being said, you now know why this review is coming out so long after the actual movie.
I literally watched this movie about a week or two ago. That's how long it took for me to finally get my hands on it.
So we start out with Vitruvius, a wizard voiced by AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA MORGAN FREEMAN?!
How much did they pay you to be in this movie?
*looks at cast*
Oh wait, they have a ton of famous actors in this movie.
Moving on.
So Vitruvius is trying to protect a 'superweapon' called the 'Kragle'. But then eeeevil Darth Business...I mean Lord Business, shows up and steals it. Vitruvius quotes a prophecy where some Special thingamadude will show up with the Piece of Resistance and render the Kragle useless.
Switch to Emmet, our protagonist. He's a normal guy, working a normal job, with a completely normal personality.
Wait, no, he's not. He's an annoying chatterbox who somehow got a job in construction, and his personality consists of ADHD mixed with desperation because he has no friends.
Uh...let's stop there. If I tried to describe the plot of this movie I'd get tied down way too fast in details.
END SPOILERS...already
Not that the plot's bad. It's fairly well put context, of course.
You see, the Lego movie makes fun of many film-writing clichés. You can tell. It's obvious. If it isn't, then I think you should go watch Green Lantern or something and get an idea of what I mean by cliché.
The animation was interesting. I expected something more like actual CG animated Legos, like the Lego Star Wars games or somesuch. Instead, they just animated the faces and the rest was natural Lego movement. After I got used to it, I thought it was pretty inventive.
Music wasn't much to speak of. I say that because nothing stood out to me. And what did, I didn't particularly enjoy. You know what I mean.
Everything is awful...everything is bad...
Dialogue was good. A lot of the movie was just plain humor, but when they actually came to meaningful moments...well, they certainly didn't do bad.
Characters were, well, characters. I can't really laud their development. Emmet's, maybe. He goes from being a nobody to a pretty important guy, and handles it fairly well. The rest of the characters I felt were just there for backdrop. Sure, they were there. They just weren't...outstanding.
Overall, would I recommend it? Sure. It catered itself well to all ages. The message at the end was actually well delivered. The humor was funny. I enjoyed it.
If you want to see something like this, I don't recommend going to the theater. I wouldn't say you're dimwitted and wasteful for doing so - I just feel like this is better rented or borrowed from the library. It's no Avengers. But it's good.
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