So why is it that anything with a scrap of potential to be art in this world is sand-blasted clean of it with the hose of worldly grime? Because I just saw Now You See Me, and it was a towering disappointment.
I've gotten into the habit of looking up movies on IMDB, mostly for the parent's review which, for the most part, gives you a good overview of the questionable parts of the movie.
The only problem is, its standards aren't very high at times.
Whoever's in charge of the rating system needs to be replaced with, like, an Amish priest or something. Because seriously, the standards set by the current system are screwed up. Especially that PG-13 rating. Baloney Sandwiches, you sons of mothers. PG-13 could mean anything from "It's okay for 13 and up" or "Really rated R but we wanted more people to be suckered into seeing it because pee gee thurteeeeen".
So back to the movie I was talking about - I went to look it up. Okay, so the sexual content was questionable. Bordering on unwatchable (if it had been the extended version...definitely unwatchable), but not permanently scarring. Fine. Violence - well, I can deal with most violence. Language? Oh, well, not nearly as bad as some movies. Bordering on unwatchable, but still watchable...
Wrong. Was I ever so wrong. See, IMDB is usually accurate on everything, but this time they slipped up big-time when they missed about ten thousand religious know, anything from OMG to GD to JC.
So what's the deal, IMDB? Did you think those didn't qualify as swearing? Why? Because they're religious? They didn't even mention religious expletives. But apparently 'hell' and 'damn' aren't in any way religious, because they certainly mention those.
So I went around after the movie to see if there were any sites that actually reported on this accurately. I even specifically searched for Christian movie sites, to see if they had any listings like IMDB's...and to my shock, almost zero results did. Some had vague references, like "Oh yeah, the swearing is bad". That's useless to me. Of course the swearing's bad. I want to know what specifically they say. If they drop an f-bomb once or twice, then I can stand to watch the movie. But a bucketload of taking the Lord's name in vain? Why, movie industry? Why?
Well, it's not like I don't expect movies to include this sort of garbage, but it would be really nice to know before I watch the movie.
Does anyone know of such a website that is very specific on what sort of bad stuff the movie includes? I will be in your debt for eternity. If not, I'm planning on starting some sort of blog that outlines this stuff myself. It needs to be done.
As for the movie, I don't recommend watching it, for reasons that should be obvious. It was visually impressive, the magic was neat, the characters shallow and the plot questionable. But the thousand nails in the coffin of Now You See Me is that, while it could have been passable, somebody thought "You know what this script is missing? A truckload of cussing."
Yeah. Wouldn't be a good movie without that, would it?
Merry Christmas.
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