Wednesday, September 25, 2013

113 Questions Quiz

For those of you who want to know more about your host, I decided to do a 113 questions quiz. Here you go.

113 Questions:

  1. Let's start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? Didn't you hear? Confused is the new hip.

  2. Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Texting? What's that?

  3. If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? She wouldn't exist, actually.

  4. Do you find it easy to trust others? Of course not. Don't you live here too?

  5. What were you doing at 11PM last night? I'm sure it was something relevant to life.

  6. You're drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? I'm drunk? That's new. Oh, and I'm drunk, pal. Who do you think is walking down the road with me? Mario?

  7. What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Well, folks, I'm packing a .22 caliber pellet rifle, you decide...

  8. Were you close with your dad? Uh, hold on. Hey, dad, were we close? Sure.

  9. I bet you kissed someone last night, right? Let's play a game.

  10. What are you listening to? Two Steps From Hell, baby.

  11. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life – what is it? Seeing as this'll be a rather short life, I'll pick blood. B positive, please.

  12. What time do you go to bed? WHEN IT SUITS ME, STALKER!

  13. Is there someone who continuously lets you down? Yeah, my significant other. She doesn't exist, which tends to make things a little difficult.

  14. Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? What's texting?

  15. Do you always answer your texts? English, buddy. Do you speak it?

  16. Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? Of course not. Give the ground a break.

  17. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? You know, this is starting to get a little uncomfortable...

  18. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? Sure. He's called Mr. Mirror.

  19. What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? My mind is off limits, creeper.

  20. Is anyone else in the room with you? Haha, erm...DIE, FOUL MINION OF SAURON!! Nope.

  21. Do you believe what goes around comes around? English, stalker. Do you speak it?

  22. Were you happier four months ago than you are now? Obviously. I'm taking this stupid quiz.

  23. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? Yeah, Smith. Poor guy is used for all sorts of imaginary situations which end badly.

  24. In the past week, have you cried? Who do you think you're talking to? No.

  25. What color is the shirt you are wearing? Black.

  26. Do people ever call you by your last name? Yeah, I go to Civil Air Patrol. Everybody's called by their last name there.

  27. Is anyone ignoring you right now? The devil.

  28. Do you have a best friend? I don't know, ask him.

  29. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? Haha, you're too funny.

  30. Who was your last call from? The library, telling me I have overdue books.

  31. Are you mad at anyone? Adam and Eve, for messing up and this quiz being made as a result.

  32. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? There it is again, 'kiss'. You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  33. How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? I'm two thousand and one years old, how could I remember.

  34. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes. You know how some European greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks?

  35. Do you have any summer plans yet? THE FUTURE, thou creeper. DO YOU PREDICT IT?

  36. Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Sure.

  37. Are you keeping anything from your best friends now? I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

  38. Do you have a secret that you've never told anyone? Yeah, huddle close! I'm conservative!

  39. How many more days until your birthday? It's November 17. You do the math, genius.

  40. Do you think age matters in relationships? Hey, just what are you trying to pull here?

  41. Are you available? You're the stalker, you tell me.

  42. How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? I'm a senior. Very funny.

  43. If you had to get a piercing, what would you get? Oh, right through the heart, please. I don't think I could stand being a walking pincushion.

  44. Do you believe exes can be friends? Ex? You mean ax? Yeah, I love mine.

  45. Do you regret anything? Yeah, taking this quiz.

  46. Honestly, what's on your mind right now? Premeditated murder. Of you. And you asked.

  47. Did you ever lose a best friend? Once, but the Walmart dude was pretty nice and helpful in finding him again.

  48. Was your last kiss a mistake? How do you know it'll be my last?

  49. Why aren't you pursuing the person you like? I see an assumption in here somewhere.

  50. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? ENGLISH, bud. DO YOU READ IT.

  51. Do you still talk with the person you last kissed? You are an invasive government agent, you know that?

  52. What was the last thing you ate? HAHAHAHA, wouldn't you like to know.

  53. Did you get any compliments today? Oooh, so you're a psychologist. That explains everything.

  54. Where are you going on your next vacation? I ain't tellin' the likes of you.

  55. Do you own anything from other countries? I have a machete from the Dominican Republic.

  56. Are most of your friends guys or girls? This question is against my religious beliefs, and I reserve the right not to answer it.

  57. Where have you lived most of your life? Planet earth, genius.

  58. When was the last time you took a long drive? Thankfully, in the past.

  59. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Have you ever played Russian Roulette?

  60. Have you ever TP'd someone's house? No, I have yet to legally try that one.

  61. Who do you text the most? Haha.

  62. What was the last movie you saw? I can't remember.

  63. What's preventing your current girlfriend from going back to their ex? No girlfriend means no ex. Problem solved.

  64. How many girlfriends did you have in 2010? This cracks me up.

  65. Is the last person you kissed younger than you? Hmm. How old is my laptop?

  66. Do you curse around your parents? dare you ask me that?

  67. Are you happy with where you live? I live in Narnia. Guess.

  68. Picture of yourself? Haha dream on, stalker.

  69. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? I'm not Mormon, bro.

  70. Have you ever been dumped? Oh, almost. It was terrifying. I only just managed to scramble out of the garbage can just in time.

  71. What do you like most about making out? Haha, you're liberal aren't you?

  72. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with? Definitely liberal.

  73. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? You're still using that word. I donnae think it means what you think it means.

  74. What part of a person's body do you find most attractive? How about adding 'public schooler' to that list.

  75. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to sleep? Reaper.

  76. What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? Well, since you mentioned cheesy, I'd have to say pizza.

  77. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? You're far too vague. Who do you think I am, Sherlock?

  78. Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Maybe.

  79. Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? Well, the doctors tend to know. X-ray and all that.

  80. Do you miss your last sweetie? Oh, yes. It only lasted about two minutes before I was down to the tootsie roll.

  81. Last time you slow danced with someone? I don't dance. I fly.

  82. Have you ever 'dated' someone you've never met? Oh, let's add 'socially awkward' to this list, mister stalker.

  83. How can I win your heart? What are your chances of winning the powerball? Divide that by a trillion, then multiply it by zero, genius.

  84. What is your astrological sign? The Grim Reaper.

  85. What were you doing last night at 12 pm? Sleeping.

  86. Do you cook? I'm a guy, Sherlock. Make me a sandwich.

  87. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? No, because it tends to give me first-degree burns. And I type, people. I need my fingers.

  88. If you're single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Go away.

  89. Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships very quickly? Let me add 'matchmaker' to this growing list.

  90. What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? You'd better not be over 200 pounds sterling.

  91. Name four things you wish you had: Perfection, a pistol, the Force, and a Macbook Pro.

  92. Are you a player? Let me add 'gramatically imprecise' to this list.

  93. Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? There it is again...

  94. Are you a tease? 'Extremely gramatically imprecise'.

  95. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? Ha, what's that?

  96. Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Probably, yes.

  97. Anybody on Tumblr that you'd go on a date with? ENGLISH, creeper. DO YOU READ IT.

  98. Hugs or kisses? Handshakes.

  99. Are you too shy to ask someone out? I haven't tried. Don't push me.

100. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? AAAAH! COOTIES!

101. Is it cute when a girl calls you babe? It's one word away from 'baby'. And I hate Justin Beiber.

102. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew she was in a relationship, would you go for it? Let me add, 'mentally disturbed' as well.

103. Do you flirt a lot? I don't know, ask the girls I talk with.

104. Your last kiss? You ask a lot of this stuff.

105. Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2011? There it is again.

106. Have you kissed anyone in the past month? Sigh.

107. If you could kiss anyone who would it be? My future spouse.

108. Do you know who you'll kiss next? 'Single-minded'

109. Does someone like you currently? 'Empty-headed flirt'

110. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? I'm not a contractor, if that's what you mean.

111. Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? YAY, 111! OH BEAUTIFUL SYMMETRY!

112. Ever made out with just a friend? You disgust me, person.

113. Are you happier single or in a relationship? Let's tally this up here. Liberal, public schooled, socially awkward, matchmaker, single-minded, empty-headed flirt, and last but not least, complete and utter twat.

And I'm not answering that.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why I can Judge Something By Its Fancircle

Wow, on a roll. Four blog posts in one night.

This, by the way, is entirely in response to a comment left on one of my other posts that if you haven't seen is because you're not a thorough reader and GERROFF.

Just kidding.

But in all seriousness, someone told me not to judge something by its fanbase.
I beg the answer.
Because we all know I'm infallible and have an answer to everything, let me enlighten you and by the way I just lied on this subject of judgment.

I can too judge someone/something by its fanbase. Here's a few examples:

Hitler - lotsa psychopaths loved him.

Twilight - fanbase consists of airheaded twats.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (movie) - has no fanbase.

Justin Beiber - lotsa psychopaths love her too.

See? Totally legit.

Let me elaborate a little. If I know nothing about someone or something, it's easy enough to deduce a view about it based on who or what supports it.
For another example, Obama.
Who supports Obama? If I do an extensive research, I find it's mostly uneducated brainwashed public schoolers, radical liberals, corrupt politicians, black people, Al Qaeda, and Socialists in general.

From this evidence, I can conclude that 1. He's charismatic 2. He's liberal 3. He's selfish 4. He's African-American 5. He's a terrorist 6. He's also distantly Russian.


Uh-oh, here comes the NSA again. I can't tell you how many times they've *mfff muuh mrrrp*


Why I Don't Watch TV

Following the rules of English, the 'why' must have an explanation.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason I don't watch TV.


*deep breath*



I said all that in two breaths.
Eat my carbon dioxide, people.

Here's an example of something I'm sick and tired of hearing about.
Doctor Who.

Yeah, grab the bricks, the bombs, the tar and feathers. I hate the show, and I haven't even seen one episode.

And here's the reason I won't ever watch the thing unless it's for capital punishment which won't happen anyway because I'm a good citizen but that's beside the point.
Not fangirls, just fans.

They drive me nuts.


Hey wait-why're you-
oh, I never had a soul to begin with.

But yes, I hate Doctor Who. It's so good it's bad. If you know what I meheeheeen.

Spider Monkey

Yes, I'm aware the title of this post is an exert from a Twilight quote.

What can I say...even Twilight - evil of evils - has one or two redeemable qualities.
Well, more like one.

Okay okay, one-half.


For as long as I can remember, I've been somewhat of a climber. I ascend all sorts of things. For me, it comes with ease; yet other people look at me with awe and say "How do you DO that? You're crazy!"
I am not.
Yes, I am.

Beside the point.
I just don't get how people can't climb like me. I seem to see holds where they can't, and I'm not as terrified of drops as most people. It's...well, it seems so easy. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT??

Of course, not all of my climbing adventures have been...erm...nicely ended. The first incident came with a clamber onto a telescope, which promptly rotated around and slammed my head into the concrete, like some sort of possessed thing. I don't know, did I look through it wrong?
Next, it was a dresser. Tried to climb it, it fell over. Kerplunk.
The most recent one I can call to mind is one where a football had landed on my church's roof, and I decided to climb up and get it. It should have been easy, only a certain light I had planned to use as a foothold turned out to be secured by, like, one screw; and it broke.
I got the football.

If you aren't into climbing, I would encourage you to get into it. Get over your fear of heights (you'll still have some, I do) and just climb for fun. It can be very handy at times.
Very recently, a Frisbee landed on my church's roof. I decided to get it, and since I was the wiser from last time something like this happened, I brought a ladder. Unfortunately, it didn't reach to the top - and I had to do a little parkour.
At least, I thought it was a little. I could hear my friends wacking out below me. Things like "You're gonna die" "Duuuuude" and "This had better not end bad".
Guys! I'm only ten feet off the ground! Have a little faith!

If you're still not satisfied that climbing is useful...
look up famous movie characters and video game protagonists. Climbing's almost always in their repertoire.
Chew on that.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


So I'm a little tired.
Okay, a lot tired.

And when I get tired, weird things start happening. My vision blurs. My reactions speed radically up (yeah, they do), I start attacking things randomly, and it mostly happens at night.

Wait, who's this?

No, I'm not a vampire! Go away!

Hold on a sec.

*smack* *crackle* *pop* *bang*

Siri, where can I hide a few bodies?
"That depends, sir. Are there any parameters?"
Yeah - they're all airheaded twilight fangirls.
"Oh, well, I can recommend a coffin seller near you."
Nah, forget it. I'll just incinerate them.

Back. Sorry about that little interruption.
As I was saying, I get a little crazy when I'm tired. Basically, Reaper gets out.

Anybody have a Snickers? I get a little loopy when I'm tired.
But...then I'll crash later, needing another Snickers...
My childhood...

Oh, you still here?
Why're you still reading this?
I'm just complaining, you know.



Oh, who're you?
The NSA?



Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Oh Lord, give me patience

May my endurance levels be off the charts,
my mercifulness heavy on the scale,
and grant me the grace to hide the bodies of those I killed because they were annoying.

I have HAD it with celebrities.

No, back up, that's not fair.
I've had it with stupid celebrities who do stupid things in the order of trying to get stupid attention.

Justin Booger.

Mylee Siren.


And more, like Classic Tattooedandunintelligible Rapper and Annoying Gottagetinyourface Actor.

What is it with these people?
That's a rhetorical question. Anybody with half a brain could see what's wrong with them. And yet, thousands of thousands of people flock to gawp at their idiotic antics, worthless songs, and alien fashion choices.
Mindless zombies.
Wait, that's not being fair to zombies, is it? At least zombies know what they're lacking - brains.

Even some of the 'good' celebrities - that is, those that aren't trying too hard to get attention - I'm sorry, but then fangirlism/fanboyism comes in and ruins it. People, I understand liking a famous person because 'they're sexy' or 'they're cool' or 'they're nice' or whatever. But ninety-nine percent of you take it too far.

You know what? Maybe these people are all secret employees of the government to brainwash the American people into mindlessly following them. Yeah, that's it!
Wow, they're good.

Ah, do any of you happen to own a nuclear arsenal? And the private schedules of the above-mentioned atrocities?




Friday, September 6, 2013


Hey you.

Yes, you.

Get off the computer and go watch some TV for about two hours. Then come back.
HEY! You still here?!
Fine. I can wait this out.
I'll wait.

Back? Okay. What'd you watch? Discovery Science (question everything...except evolution)? Animal Planet (evolutionevolutionevolution)? Or National Geographic (how do they fit evolution everywhere?)?
Ah-hah. Hmm. Not bad.
But don't you just hate it when, you know, your commercial break gets interrupted by those annoying TV shows? I mean hey, all I wanted was to sit for twice the showtime watching people do weird and inane things to advertise a product I'm definitely not going to buy because the commercial was so idiotic I can't even remember what it was about.
Okay, yes, I can remember.
I'm still not buying it.

Seriously though, aren't commercials getting way out of wack? In a book I just read, one person mentions to another about advertisements "They're loud and noisy, so people learn to tune them out. But then the companies just make them even more loud and more noisy, so they'll get our attention."
For instance, take car commercials.
Those things are...weird. I mean, I can always tell if it's a car commercial or not depending on whether it makes no sense at all in the beginning. Savvy?

And then beauty product thingies. Yeah, like I'd want to look like an incredibly hot superstar or something. Who thought up these things, anyway?

"Saved fifteen percent on car backing up and leaving the scene."

If you want real awesome evaluations on today's commercial system, look up Ryan Higa's 'Honest Commercials' video or Blimeycow's rant about television on Youtube.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Lamer Against Gamer

What's the weird purpose of this post title for?

Nothing. I just needed an acronym for Lag, that's all.

Grrrr, lag. I hate lag. You hate lag. We all hate lag. It's a gamers worst enemy. Think I'm wrong? Who are you mad at more, the guy who chucked the grenade or the lag stutter that teleported you right on top of it?
Thought so.

There's a well-said quote out there by some genius: "Video games don't make us violent...lag does."
Amen, brothah.

Who hasn't played with lag? If you're not entirely sure what I'm talking about, then you're not a gamer and go get more lives.
I mean, get some games. You probably have a life.
Technically, lag is what happens when there's a frame rate drop in-game. The processor can't handle all the information it's receiving all at once and has to catch up, which is what creates the wonderful abomination we know as lag.

The basic solution to lag is to run low-level games on high-level processing units. That way whatever system you're using to game can handle all the information that the game itself is giving it easily.

"Great," you say. "With our awesome game systems, why hasn't lag vanished?"
Well, that's because games are developing as fast (maybe a little faster) than the systems. Graphics are enhanced. Visuals are off the charts. Movement and smooth interfaces are the norm and still improving. And while our systems can handle this fairly well, it doesn't work 100% of the time.

That said, it'll probably never happen. Lag will always be there, lurking in the shadows. Waiting for the opportune moment to strike. And just when you thought all was well and good -
"WHAT? I...I did NOT jump off that cliff!"
No, sir, you didn't. Lag did.

Ah, lag.

Rage quit.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Aaah. Music. That one thing that can bring the toughest redneck to tears. The one thing that without it movies would be empty. One of the most beautiful things on earth.

Wait, who are these people? Dustin Beiber? Mylee Papyrus? Lil Waste? She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? What are they doing in the music industry?
Hans Zimmer, I need Hans Zimmer! Come and chase these mindless mushies away! Please, deliver us from their stupidity!

No, seriously, what is into music these days? 'Pop' has gone

It's bad.

Really! Since when did lyrics have no sense? Since when did songs start to be about stupid stuff?
As the ever-eloquent blimeycow puts it,
"Why do you hate country?"
"Well, because it's all about your truck, girlfriend, and beer!"
"...then why do you like rap?"
"Because it's all about cool cars, pretty girls and gettin' drunk!"

Yeah. Sums it up right there.
I mean, good music is so rare nowadays! I'm hard pressed to find good songs that have a good underlying meaning! Skillet, Red, Nine Lashes and Fireflight are like the four bands I know and have good songs that are just plain awesome. But even the overtly Christian bands seem to be stuck doing the same old worship songs over and over, just re-skinned. Don't think I don't like worship...I just wish there was more originality in the music industry.
Don't you?

My favorite type of music is hands down Classical. Just listening to how the different instruments are blended together to produce one flowing song is beautiful. Hans Zimmer is by far the best one I know. I'd go so far as to say he's better than Beethoven or Mozart, and he is. (That's not to say Beethoven and Mozart and all the rest weren't amazing, because they were)

There's certainly different perks to all music, though. Rap is pretty much the opposite of classical, focusing exclusively on lyrics and a little beat. Country, which I despise, consists of a coyote yowling while trying to play the guitar. Pop is for those people who like screaming in fangirly faints whenever their favorite artist puts out a new slushie of a song. Rock is for the manly, and Screamo is for the mentally impaired.

Oh yeah, and there's jazz.

*cough* *wheeze*
And that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Does my description of the musical 'genres' (albeit not complete) anger you? Do you think I was unjust or unfair?