Yes, I'm aware the title of this post is an exert from a Twilight quote.
What can I say...even Twilight - evil of evils - has one or two redeemable qualities.
Well, more like one.
Okay okay, one-half.
For as long as I can remember, I've been somewhat of a climber. I ascend all sorts of things. For me, it comes with ease; yet other people look at me with awe and say "How do you DO that? You're crazy!"
I am not.
Yes, I am.
Beside the point.
I just don't get how people can't climb like me. I seem to see holds where they can't, and I'm not as terrified of drops as most people. It's...well, it seems so easy. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT??
Of course, not all of my climbing adventures have been...erm...nicely ended. The first incident came with a clamber onto a telescope, which promptly rotated around and slammed my head into the concrete, like some sort of possessed thing. I don't know, did I look through it wrong?
Next, it was a dresser. Tried to climb it, it fell over. Kerplunk.
The most recent one I can call to mind is one where a football had landed on my church's roof, and I decided to climb up and get it. It should have been easy, only a certain light I had planned to use as a foothold turned out to be secured by, like, one screw; and it broke.
I got the football.
If you aren't into climbing, I would encourage you to get into it. Get over your fear of heights (you'll still have some, I do) and just climb for fun. It can be very handy at times.
Very recently, a Frisbee landed on my church's roof. I decided to get it, and since I was the wiser from last time something like this happened, I brought a ladder. Unfortunately, it didn't reach to the top - and I had to do a little parkour.
At least, I thought it was a little. I could hear my friends wacking out below me. Things like "You're gonna die" "Duuuuude" and "This had better not end bad".
Guys! I'm only ten feet off the ground! Have a little faith!
If you're still not satisfied that climbing is useful...
look up famous movie characters and video game protagonists. Climbing's almost always in their repertoire.
Chew on that.
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