Saturday, September 6, 2014

Make Me a Sandwich?


Lots of people do it.

You know who does it most?



Because most guys can't.

I'm not quite sure who I'm talking to here. Guys? Girls? Whatever. I think I'll just say what I'm going to say.
So for some reason, the role of housewife has been largely degraded in society today. That is to say, there's a lot of 'women in the kitchen' jokes and 'make me a sandwich' jokes and so on. And I admit, I'm not innocent of these myself.

But let me dispel this belief that this position is overrated. You who ridicule, mock, or joke about women, how "they should be in the kitchen" and yadda yadda, let me tell you this.
You're right.
Women should be in the kitchen.

BECAUSE YOU CAN'T COOK FOR *insert appropriate term here*.

Don't you dare believe cooking is for women because it's a menial task for waifus who have nothing to do. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, YOU MOTHER SEAL, COOKING IS AN ART.
You hear?

I have a mom. I know.

So, girls.
When guys joke about you being in the kitchen, or they joke about your cooking, or whatever, I can guarantee you the jokers can't cook worth a penny. (This includes yours truly.) Please, don't think cooking is some underrated task. Tis an ability that is invaluable. If no one could cook, we'd be stuck burning squirrels over a campfire or something. Cooking is awesome, end of story.

Hey guys:
Joking about cooking is fine and all, but just remember that when you get married, your wife pretty much controls what you eat. So you'd better hope she knows her thing (and you better respect that), because if not it's Ramen for breakfast, Ramen for lunch, and leftover Ramen for dinner. Yaaaay.

One last note. Cooking is mostly for girls, yes, but that doesn't mean guys shouldn't learn a thing or two either. In fact, I envy the guy who can cook along with his role as a guy. There ain't anything in the Bible that says cooking is a sin for men.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have salads to burn.

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