Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'll find a title later.

So, all, greetings.


Let's see...what was this about again?
Oh, oh yeah, that.

So many of you already know that When Life Gives You Lemons, make lemonade. But of course, life gives you a lot of other junk too.
How about 'When Life Throws You A Curveball and It Smacks You In The Face?'
Well, my baseball coach (from the good ol' days when I...played baseball *sniff*) always would jump all over us when we got beaned (baseball jargon for being hit with the baseball). "Shake it off, shake it off!" He'd yell, doing his version of Gangnam Style before it existed...

Anyway, this phrase doesn't just apply to baseball. When you get hit by anything, be it a physical or emotional injury, the best thing to do is to "Shake it off, shake it off!" or else you run the risk of getting bogged down in depression.

I've always thought that the funny side of life is the best. Why mope around when there's so much stuff to laugh at? You don't even have to be creative; look around! Humanity (while depraved and sinful) is hilarious! The government is hysterical! The news is just hahahahahaha!!!!!

Okay, all right, I'll calm down. I didn't really mean to sound like the Joker there. Really. Realleehee. Hee.

That being said, there's certainly times to be serious and stuff. Some things you just can't, won't, and shouldn't joke about. And I can be serious when I need to be.
But come on! You can't seriously be being serious all the time, seriously?
"Why so serious?"

Oh by the way, God has a sense of humor. So seeing the funny side ain't bad, as long as you aren't stepping into the no-zones of joking. Don't believe me? Here's a few words for ya:
-1 Cor. 1:27

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