Monday, June 17, 2013

That Awkward Moment When...

Who hasn't heard of the phrase that is the title of this post? It's everywhere.
Here's a few of them I compiled.

That Awkward Moment When... open the door for someone far away...forcing them into the jog of gratitude.'re playing an online FPS, come round the corner and blast the first thing you see...your teammate. see an urban thug...who's not wearing underwear. see a fat yoga pants. see the post 'the song you are listening to is the song played at your funeral'..."Monster".'re caving in Minecraft...and come across a ghast.'re viewing the Avengers..."I watched you, while you were sleeping".

...Obama wins the election.

...the government says something...and it's true.'re driving down the road in Romania...and see a guy taking a pee, in public.

If you guys have some good ones, please spout them at me. Until next time!

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