Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Multi-Personality Disorder

So, how many of you out there have alternate personalities? I know I've got a few friends with 'em. Aren't they so annoying?

Shut up, precious. Annoying is a point of view.

Yeah? Well you're annoyiasdflkjsstopit!

That was fun.

Anyway. Has anybody gone to the trouble of naming their...selves? That guy's name is Reaper. He likes coming out after I've had too much coffee or not enough sleep. Like now.

Hey! You're not giving us a fair chance to explain ourselves, precious. You're giving us a bad name.

You already have a bad name, idiot.

How many legs does a chicken have?

About as may brain cells as you do.

Yah, but we're you, precious.

No you're not. You're different.

Ah, that's cruel! That was mean. Very mean.

Shut up and go away.


  1. You wrote this just so you would awaken the inner us in me, didn't you, DarkSpace?
    What's not to like about us, sweetheart?
    GAAAH!!! Go away.
    We're being helpful. Extremely relevant to this comment and post.

    Hahaha, just kidding. I don't have any multi-personalities, but it's fun to pretend sometimes.

    Did you know that when you talk to yourself, you raise your emotional IQ? Fun fact.

    1. I have an emotional IQ? I never knew that.

    2. According to psychologists, yeah. %-)
